Inveraray Highland Games

Online Entry

Entry form will be available here from Monday 19th May 2025 until Monday 30th June 2025

1230211P&A MARCH
133071 & 2LOCAL MSR 15-18
14308CLASPCLASP LIGHT MUSIC (Time is approximate)

2024 Draw Lists

March, Strathspey & Reel P&A comm 12.30

Register from 0800 in The Piping Secretary Tent

BibPiperOther comp entered
14Craig MuirheadPbA
99Brodie Watson MasseyPbB
92John DewPbB
128Alasdair HendersonPb P&A
129Calum WatsonPb P&A
130Angus MacCollPb P&A
131Greig CanningPb P&A
132Steven LeaskPb P&A
133Chris ArmstrongPb P&A
134Darach UrquartPb P&A
109Michael FitzhenryPbB
136Sarah MuirPb P&A
137Callum BeaumontPb P&A
138Sandy CameronPb P&A
139Ben DuncanPb P&A
140John MulhearnPb P&A
141Connor SinclairPb P &A
142Neil SmithPb P&A
97Ashley McMichaelPbB
116Bradley ParkerRESERVE PbB
140John MulhearnPb P&A

March, Strathspey & Reel Grade B comm 1500

Register from 0800 in The Piping Secretary Tent

BibPiperOther comp entered
90Alistair BrownPbB
91Ross MillerPbB
1Ross ConorPbC
93Kyle CameronPbB
94Cameron MacLeodPbB
95Callum WyndPbB
96Bobby AllenPbB
24Hector MunroPbC
98Ben MullhearnPbB
135Angus McPheePb P&A
100Jonathan SimpsonPbB
101Edward GaulPbB
102James McPetriePbB
103Fraser AllisonPbB
17Daniel JohnstonePbC
105Kristopher CoylePbB
106Christopher McLeishPbB
107John McDonaldPbB
108Andrew HallPbB
126Cameron MayPb P&A
110Luke KennedyPbB
20Piers DoverPbC
112Andrew SmithPbB
113Dan NevansPbB
125Eireann Janetta MacKayPb P&A

Reserve List will be allocated in the order of entry received

  1. Keith Bowes 104 PbB
  2. Stuart McCallum
  3. Jamie Elder 127 Pb P&A
  4. Joshua Chandler 111 PbB

March, Strathspey & Reel Grade C comm 1000

Register from 0800 in The Piping Secretary Tent

BibPiperOther comp entered
2Turner ThomasPbC
3David RischmillerPbC
4Andrew YuPbC
5Cameron Appleton SeymourPbC
6Cameron O’NeilPbC
7Calum DunbarPbC
8Christopher McCartenPbC
9Andrew BellPbC
10David StulpnerPbC
11Liam BrownPbC
12Iain SimpsonPbC
13Jamie BrownliePbC
15Robbie MacIssacPbC
16Scott McLeanPbC
28John McElmurrayRESERVE PbC
18Hamish MunroPbC
19Calum McKillopPbC
29James FrazerRESERVE PbC
21Christopher YeoPbC
22Arran KingPbC
23Andrew PattisonPbC
30Callum DavidsonRESERVE PbC
25Karen WarrenPbC
26Ben Hall

Reserve List will be allocated in the order of entry received

  1. Lewis Maxwell
  2. Ryan McCreadie (trophy return)
  3. Gregor MacDonald
  4. Stuart Robinson
  5. Austin Diepenhorst
  6. Andrew Hutton

Piobaireachd P&A comm 0900

Register from 0800 in The Piping Secretary Tent

BibPiperOther comp entered 
125Eireann Jannetta MackayMSRB
126Cameron MayMSRB
127Jamie ElderRESERVE MSRB
128Alasdair HendersonMSR P&A
129Calum WatsonMSR P&A
130Angus MacCollMSR P&ATrophy return
131Greig CanningMSR P&A
132Steven LeaskMSR P&A
133Chris ArmstrongMSR P&A
134Darach UrquartMSR P&A
135Angus McPheeMSRB
136Sarah MuirMSR P&A
137Callum BeaumontMSR P&A
138Sandy CameronMSR P&A
139Ben DuncanMSR P&A
140John MulhearnMSR P&A
141Connor SinclairMSR P &A
142Neil SmithMSR P&A

Piobaireachd Grade B comm 0900

Register from 0800 in The Piping Secretary Tent

BibPiperOther comp entered 
90Alistair BrownMSRB
91Ross MillerMSRB
92John DewMSRP&ATrophy Return
93Kyle CameronMSRB
94Cameron MacLeodMSRB
95Callum WyndMRSB
96Bobby AllenMSRB
97Ashley McMichaelMSR P&A
98Ben MullhearnMSRB
99Brodie Watson MasseyMSR P&A
100Jonathan SimpsonMSRB
101Edward GaulMSRB
102James McPetrieMSRB
103Fraser AllisonMSRB
104Keith BowesReserve MSRB
105Kristopher CoyleMSRB
106Christopher McLeishMSRB
107John McDonaldMSRB
108Andrew HallMSRB
109Michael FitzhenryMSRA
110Luke KennedyMSRB
111Joshua ChandlerReserve MSRB
112Andrew SmithMSRB
113Dan NevansMSRB
114Gregor MacDonaldReserve MSRC

Reserve List in order of entry received

  1. Andrew Hutton
  2. Bradley Parker 116 MSR P&A

Piobaireachd Grade C comm 0900

Register from 0800 in The Piping Secretary Tent

BibPiperOther comp entered 
1Ross ConnorMSRB
2Turner ThomasMSRC
3David RischmillerMSRC
4Andrew YuMSRC
5Cameron Appleton SeymourMSRC
6Cameron O’NeilMSRC
7Calum DunbarMRSC
8Christopher McCartenMRSC
9Andrew BellMSRC
10David StulpnerMSRC
11Liam BrownMSRC
12Iain SimpsonMSRC
13Jamie BrownlieMSRC
14Craig MuirheadMSRA
15Robbie MacIssacMSRC
16Scott McLeanMSRC
17Daniel JohnstoneMSRB
18Hamish MunroMSRC
19Calum McKillopMSRC
20Piers DoverMSRB
21Christopher YeoMSRC
22Arran KingMSRC
23Andrew PattisonMSRCTrophy return
24Hector MunroMSRB
25Karen WarrenMSRC

Reserve List in order of entry received

  1. Scott McKay MSRC
  2. John McElmurray MSRC
  3. James Frazer MSRC
  4. Callum Davidson MSRC
  5. David Hall
  6. Lewis Maxwell
  7. Ryan McCreadie (trophy return)
  8. Stuart Robinson
  9. Austin Diepenhorst

Piobaireachd Junior comm 0900

Register from 0800 in The Piping Secretary Tent

BibPiperOther comp entered
50Ronald MacCollJun Open MSR, MSR15-18
51Peter MacKayJun Open MSR
52Arran GreenJun Open MSR
53Euan McCrackenJun Open MSR, MSR-15
54Calan McGuiganJun Open MSR, MSR 15-18
55Jai BlackhurstJun Open MSR
56Alfie Arthur RobertsonJun Open MSR, MSR-15
57Arran BrownJun Open MSR, MSR-15
58Gregor GriersonJun Open MSR
59James SilcockJun Open MSR
60Christopher DrummondJun Open MSR
61Lachlan RennieJun Open MSR
63Hugh AndersonMSR 15-18
64Mark HewittJun Open MSR, MSR-15
71Callan ErskineJnr Open MSR
72Mackenzie FraserJnr Open MSR
73Douglas BairdJnr Open MSR

Open March, Strathspey & Reel, Junior Event 7 & 8  comm 1330

Register from 0800 in The Piping Secretary Tent

BibPiperOther comp entered
50Ronald MacCollPb Jnr, MSR15-18
51Peter MacKayPb Jnr
52Arran GreenPb Jnr
53Euan McCrackenPb Jnr, MSR-15
54Calan McGuiganPb Jnr, MSR 15-18
55Jai BlackhurstPb Jnr
56Alfie Arthur RobertsonPb Jnr, MSR-15
57Arran BrownPb Jnr, MSR-15
58Gregor GriersonPb Jnr
59James SilcockPb Jnr
60Christopher DrummondPb Jnr
61Lachlan RenniePb Jnr
62Lewis RussellPb Jnr
65Rio ArknellMSR15-18
64Mark HewittPb Jnr, MSR-15
66Euan McCartenMSR15-18
71Callan ErskinePb Jnr
72Mackenzie FraserPb Jnr
73Douglas BairdPb Jnr

Local March, Strathspey & Reel, Junior Event 1,2,3,4  comm 1100

Register from 0800 in The Piping Secretary Tent

Bib1 & 2 MSR 15-18 PiperOther comp entered
54Calan McGuiganPb Jnr, Jnr Open MSR
68Lilly Robertson
50Ronald MacCollPb Jnr, Jnr Open MSR
66Euan McCartenJnr Open MSR
63Hugh AndersonPb Jnr
65Rio ArknellMSR15-18
67Scott McLean

Bib3 & 4 MSR-15 PiperOther comp entered
57Arran BrownPb Jnr, Jnr Open MSR
69Charlie Wragg
56Alfie Arthur RobertsonPb Jnr, Jnr Open MSR
64Mark HewittPb Jnr, Jnr Open MSR
70Liam Kennedy
53Euan McCrackenPb Jnr, MSR-15
74Bryce Griffin

Chanter & Novice Piping Junior Event 5 & 6 comm 1100

Register from 0800 in The Piping Secretary Tent

Event 6, Novice Piping will commence directly after Event 5, Chanter

Entries for both these events remain open until start time

Bib5 - Chanter PiperOther comp entered
35Reilly Campbell
36Kevin Campbell


Piping Convenor: Brian Spalding

All entry forms must be received by the Piping Secretaries no later than 26 April 2024. 

If you have any queries please contact the piping team at

Please be advised that competitors will be admitted to the field this year without being issued with a Games Pass. Please make yourself known to a steward on arrival at the field to be admitted.

All senior competitions are limited to the first 25 entries received, a draw will take place after the closing date and if required a reserve list will be used. Competitors not picked in the draw will be notified and refunded through PayPal.

Entry Fees
Chanter £1.00
Junior events £3.00
All other events £5.00

Required Tunes

Please note on the day of the competition the following number of tunes must be submitted to the judges:


Under 18 Open

2 Piobaireachds
2 Marches
2 Strathspeys/Reels

Tunes to be given to the judge on the day

Grade C

3 Piobaireachds
3 Marches
3 Strathspeys
3 Reels

Grade P, A & B

4 Piobaireachds
4 Marches
4 Strathspeys
4 Reels


  1. Entry to the competition includes form and payment. Competitors will only be entered into their chosen event(s) once they complete the entry form and full payment has been received.
  2. Any competitor who is unable to attend the competition after entry must notify the Secretaries at the very latest on the day before competition. Failure to do this without reason may result in refusal of entry in subsequent years.
  3. Competitors must report to the Secretaries tent on arrival to register. Once registered, competitors will be requested to confirm their attendance with the designated platform steward.
  4. Competitors must be in attendance no later than the advertised reporting time or other notified time, failing which they will only be allowed to play at the discretion of Secretaries and Piping Convenor.
  5. The order of play will be adhered to as far as is possible, but the committee reserve the right to alter this is in the opinion of the Piping Convenor, circumstances so require.
  6. Each senior competition will be limited to a maximum entry of 25 competitors on a first-come first-served basis.
  7. In the senior piobaireachd competitions, each player will be advised of their tune by the judge when they approach the platform.

Failure to observe any of these rules or instructions of the stewards may result in disqualification and/or refusal of entry in subsequent years. While every effort will be made to ensure that the competition runs as details above, the Piping Convenor reserves the right to make any changes necessitated by unforeseen circumstances.

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